As close as it gets - 5 feet from buildings

Defensible space zone 0, Cut, Chip and Haul Away Brush and Trees

Ensuring the safety of your property starts with the immediate area surrounding your home, known as Zone Zero. Our team at Grind Fire Defense excels in effectively clearing and maintaining the brush in this crucial area, guaranteeing the best defense against wildfire.

What's Included in The defensible Space Zone Zero Service?

  • A free preliminary assessment of your property
  • A custom defensible space plan for your area
  • Clear all brush and dead material form the house
  • Clear your gutters of combustible Materials
  • Remove any hazard trees too close to the house
  • We chip and haul all of the material we clean
  • We go over the work with you to ensure you are satisfied

John from Grind Fire Defense, assesses a property with dead brush and other fuels around it. Additionally, a large tree is hanging over the roof, filling the gutters with leaves and threatening the house in the event of a wildfire.

With a plan in place, the Grind Fire Defense team gets to work cutting away the brush, slash, and clearing the hazardous trees away from the house. Another team rakes and cleans the gutters and ground around the house.

Grind fire Defense clearing defensible space

As the team clears the brush and slash they take it to be chipped, removing the material keeps it from becoming fuel on the ground in the event of a fire. Additionally, the team cuts up the tree and hauls it away too.

A chipper and trailer haling wild fire fuel away from a property

Once the home is clear of dead fuel and dry brush the Grind Fire Defense team hauls 2 full trailers of chips away at the end of the day. The property owner can rest easy knowing her property now has a defensible space zone.

Grind Fire defense hauling away the brush and chips

defensible space Zone 0

Let Grind Fire Defense help you with your fire defensible space needs. We can help you create or maintain your fire defensible space plan. We provide a free preliminary assessment and custom design a plan based on your property. Zone based vegetation and fuel management is also included in the plan. We offer annual maintenance to keep your property compliant with local, state and federal laws.

Fire defensible space can be curb appeal! A home that is more protected from wildfires is safer for you and your family. It can also increase the value of your home.

We are licensed by the
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to provide these services.

What is a Defensible Fire Zone?

A defensible fire zone is an area around a building or structure that has been changed to reduce the risk of wildfire damage. These areas can be made in many different ways, such as removing plants, using fire-resistant materials, and installing sprinkler systems. The goal of creating a defensible zone is to add a buffer around a structure that will help stop or slow a wildfire. This can giving firefighters a better chance of protecting the area.

Defensible fire zones are usually made in areas that are at high risk of wildfire. Specifically, places with dry, flammable plants, dead plants, or places that have a lot of wildfires. These areas can be found in rural, suburban, or urban areas.

Zone 0:
The Ember Resistant Zone

An important part of fire safety is Zone 0, the ember-resistant zone. This is the closest layer to your home and is designed to stop or slow down embers from reaching the structure. Ember-resistant zones are important because embers can help a wildfire to spread quickly.

To create an ember-resistant zone, flammable plants, dead leaves, and branches, are removed from the area. This will reduce the amount of fuel available for a wildfire to burn. In addition to removing plants, it good to use fire-resistant building materials. Metal roofs, non-combustible siding, and fire-resistant windows, can help reduce risk.

Other protective measures in an ember-resistant zone include sprinkler systems. Sprinklers can help put out fires that do start. They also protect windows and vents from embers. It is also important to make sure that all doors and windows are sealed. Gaps and openings can allow embers to enter the building and start fires inside.

Defensible fire zones include other layers of protection. The fuel reduction zone is an area around the building where flammable plants are removed or thinned. This can include trees and other plants that are close to the building and pruning trees and shrubs. The structure protection zone helps reduce the risk of wildfire damage to the structure itself. This may include using fire-resistant building materials, or installing fire suppression systems.

Defensible fire zones are a good way to protect structures from wildfire damage. By making a buffer around the building, we can reduce the risk of wildfire damage and give firefighters a chance to protect the building. While it is not possible to completely eliminate wildfire risk, defensible fire zones can help provide more protection for buildings.


Zone 0

Ember Resistant

The immediate surroundings of your buildings and structures from structure to approximately 5' out.

Zone 1

Lean, Clean & Green

Extends 30 feet from buildings, structures, decks, etc. or to your property line, whichever is closer.

Zone 2

Reduce Fuel

Zone 2 extends form 30 to 100 feet from your buildings, structures, decks, etc. or to your property line.

Zone 3

Egress and Extend

Zone 3 is an access zone, adjacent to roads and driveways.

Your home is unique, so we will create a custom defensible space plan that protects your home and meets the current regulations.

Making sure that you meet the regulations is critical. California law now requires property owners to extend Defensible Space clearance around homes and structures from 30 feet to 100 feet.

Defensible space zones illustrated

Science has proven it Zone 0 to be the most critical of all the defensible space zones. This zone includes the area under and around all attached decks, and requires the most stringent wildfire fuel reduction.

The ember-resistant zone is designed to keep fire or embers from igniting materials that can spread the fire to your home. The following provides guidance for this zone, which may change based on the regulation developed by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection.

We will focus on the integrity of your home by trimming and removing dangerous vegetation off and away from your structures. This Zone includes the removal of fine dead fuels, annual grasses, scrapping to bare minerals (where appropriate) and identifying potential home hardening weaknesses/vulnerabilities. We focus on your homes integrity by trimming and removing dangerous vegetation off and away from your structures including roofing, patios, siding, decks, chimneys and more.

Protect your home Today

Book a free consultation with a Defensible Space Specialist today.

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